Regenerative Medicine for Joint Pain
The phrase “regenerative medicine” was coined by U.S. biologist William Haseltine during the twilight years of the 20th century. However, the concept of regenerative medicine has been used since the dawn of man
The phrase “regenerative medicine” was coined by U.S. biologist William Haseltine during the twilight years of the 20th century. However, the concept of regenerative medicine has been used since the dawn of man
Total joint replacement can restore pain-free movement when less invasive measures have not helped. One of the most common causes of joint pain is osteoarthritis, a degenerative and progressive disease that eventually wears down the protective cushion in your knees,
Chronic pain, defined as pain that lasts more than three months, is on the rise in the United States. Over 10 percent of American adults said they had experienced pain over the previous three months, according to the federal 2012
Is your body mass index (BMI) 30 or over? If it is, this is considered overweight, or obese, on the standard medical range. Obesity has become a global epidemic, with more than 35 percent of adults and children in the